Sunday, November 9, 2008

What is the True Gospel?

Some people beleive "Gospel" is music. Others proclaim they have been preaching the "True Gospel" since 33AD yet their churches are filled with idols and detestable things which God hates (Ex 20:4) so we know that church cannot have the true gospel. And other feel the gospel is good news. We need to see this through the Bible. By understanding what the gospel is, we can come to realize how important "The Gospel" that is talked about in the bible is for our salvation.

Mark 1:1 "The Beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ the Son of God"

The first thing we need to understand is that the Gospel is actually good news that we will be redeemed and become one body with Jesus and reign in heaven. There is nothing more we should expect from God than this precious gift.

Jesus Christ Himself went around preaching the goods news to the people of the Kingdom of Heaven (Mt 4:23).

Eph 3:6 "This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus."

The Gospel is an amazing blessing as stated on Eph 3:6, but how can we receive it?
1Th 2:4 - by being gospel workers we can recive the gospel and share in it's blessings (Rm 15:16).

So far we can see that the Gospel is an amazing blessing from God because we share in the inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven with Christ and receive eternal life in heaven forever and ever. THAT IS AMAZING! Now we need to understand. WHAT IS THE GOSPEL? Unless we have a concrete answer to this questions we will short fall of God's grace and not enter the Kingdom of Heaven and be tormented in hell forever and ever. Please continue to keep reading this blog and eventually you will find out wha the true gospel that was taught by Heavenly Father Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother is. GOD BLESS YOU!

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