Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Who is Christ Ahnsahnghong?

As mentioned in my last post, according to God’s words the Passover is the only way to eat from the tree of life. The way to the tree of life was closed in the Garden of Eden by God because of our sin. Since God blocked the way to the tree of life, He is the only one able to open it. That way was opened by Jesus Christ (God in the Flesh) 2000 years ago. Without the Passover the tree of life cannot be reached. But the Passover was abolished in Ad 325 in the counsel of Nicaea, by the Roman Emperor Constantine, and after that, the Roman Catholic Church was established. Since we didn’t have access to the Passover, the way to the tree of life was blocked once again like in the Garden of Eden. Without the Passover it is impossible for human being to eat from the tree of life. Who would be the only one able to open the way o the tree of life through the Passover? The same one who opened it the first time would be the only one able to open it by second time, God almighty. God is so merciful with us. Even though we are sinners He still gives us the way how to receive salvation; that’s why the bible says: so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him. (Hebrews 9:28).” Then if He comes to bring salvation, does it mean people were already saved? Surely not. The only way to receive salvation is through the Passover, so when Jesus comes back He must certainly bring the Passover with Him. Christ Ahnsahnghong was the only one that brought back the Passover according to the bible, in its appointed time. Who must He be? Second coming Christ. God is the only one that can open the way to the tree of life, then that means that if Christ Ahnsahnghong gave us Eternal life through the Passover, He is God almighty.......

Why did He come back? And for how long…. It’ll soon be answered… keep post...


Anonymous said...

I really do love any teaching about the 2nd Coming Christ. I especially love the teaching of the Tree of Life & Christ Ahnsahnghong. That lesson sooo clearly reveals who Christ Ahnsahnghong is - that He is God, the 2nd Coming Christ!

CherubAngel said...

even though the tree of life and Christ AhnSahngHong is such a simple truth, its very effective in proving that Christ AhnsahngHong is God Almighty. Whoever open the way to the tree of Life is God. He brought the Passover and opened the way. He is God. Couldnt be any clearer than that.

Anonymous said...

Who is Christ Ahnsahnghong? HE IS THE ONE GOD ALMIGHTY IS HIS NAME!!!

God's Will said...

It is so clear the Passover can only be brought by God, yet Christ Ahnsahnghong brought back the Passover. This truth is so precious. WOW! The way to have eternal life has been brought back!! That's a miracle truely. Father Ahnsahnghong and Mother, you truely are God.

NaNa said...

Have you heard about the Second Coming Jesus ?
The Bible also testifies about the Second Coming Jesus.
Christ Ahnsahnghong is - that He is God, the 2nd Coming Christ!