AMOS 3:7 "Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets."
Those who do not know the plans of God are regarded as false prophets. But at the Church of God World Mission Society we know all the truths of the Bible because the Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong revealed everything to us because the Bible testifies about Him (John 5:39). Let's understand Christ Ahnsahnghong through the prophecy of the last Adam.
1Cor 15:45 Apostle Paul explains that the last Adam is a "life-giving spirit". The only One with the authority to give life to the soul is God Himself, then, Who is Adam?
In Romans 5:14 Apostle Paul clearly testified that Adam is a pattern of the One to come, that is Second Coming Christ who will appear in the last days. But what's His purpose? As we read on 1 Cor 15:45, the purpose of Second Coming Christ appearing is to give eternal life. Then how did first coming Christ, Jesus, give eternal life? We need to understand this pattern of giving us eternal life because He will give us also eternal life in the same way when He returns.
John 6:53 "Jesus said to them, I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man an drink hi blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal lifeI will raise im up at the last day.>"
In the Book of Matthew 26:17-27 we can see the Feast through which Jesus promised His flesh and His blood is the Passover. Only on that night He promised to give us eternal life. Therefore, whoever brings the Passover again is no other than Jesus Himself.
Who has brought the truth of life in these last days? Only the Last Adam, Second Coming Christ can bring the Passover. However, the One who brought the Passover is Christ Ahnsahnghong. He is Second Coming Christ, Last Adam. This may seem hard to accept but think about this: Why is it easy beleive in first coming Christ when He appeared in the flesh but you find it difficult that He is here now in the same generation that you live in? Please come to Church of God World Mission Society and study about the Last Adam Christ Ahnsahnghong and receive eternal life. GOD BLESS YOU.
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