Is it true the Sabbath Day (Saturday, the correct day of worship) has been abolish?
If this is true, then why do people go to church on Sunday? Aha! It must be a misinterpretation,
Jesus said:
Mat 5:39 "do not think I have come to abolish the law or the prophets, I have no come to abolish them but to fulfill them."
Christ Ahnsahnghong taugh us the Sabbath day was actually abolished by men not by God. Because Christ Himself kept the Sabbath day (Lk 4:16) , the apostles kept it (Acts 17:3, 18:2) and Jesus even prophesied that in the last days it will be kept (Mt 24:20). Thanks to our Father Christ Ahnsahnghong who came as the Holy Spirit in these last days, we have been reminded of all truth and we can now get the forgiveness of sins and rest blessings and holiness on the Sabbath Day.
In the Church of God World Mission Society, we keep the Sabbath day.
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