Do you also have questions such as these? I know I did until I learned the meaning of everything through the teachings of Second Coming Chris Ahnsahnghong. Actually everyone blames Adam for the sin committed in the Garden of Eden but it was really Eve the one that sinned first. In addition, according to the Bible, we all sinned (Rom 5:12) not just Adam! We can't blame our mistakes on others, we need to understand Gods will behind everything.
According to the Bible, sin is not taken into account unless there is a law or command that reveals what sin is. In the Garden of Eden there was a law "If you eat from it you will surely die" . If Adam and Eve were perfect God would not have given them this law,He knew they were going to sin. Why did God establish this law? According to Christ Ahnsahnhong God wanted to deliver us from aim and death through the blood of Christ.
John 6:54 "whoever ears my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life.."
In the Garden of Eden eternal life was not guaranteed but conditional. That's the reason Chist had to come 2,000 years ago and for a second time (Heb 9:28) to give us the law of eternal life. The way to rceive eternal life trough the Tree of Life was blocked because of our sins, however, though we sinned against God, if we keep the Passover which is celebrated by eating Jesus' flesh and blood we will have access to the Tree of Life and enter the world where there is no death, crying, pain or suffering:
Rev 21:4 "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or cryin or pain for the old order of things has past away."
Thanks to the grace of Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother New Jerusalem now mang of my questions have beens answered. Christ came 2,000 to give eternal life but nobody accepted his words because of popular opinion. Don't be fooled by Sarans schemes of popular opinion. If you truely beleive the Bible you will come to beleive in Christ Ahmsahmghong. God bless you!
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