Gal 4:28 "Now you, brothers, like Isaac, are children of promise."
Then, the bible calls us "Children of Promise"... But what is this promise?
1Jn 2:25 "And this is why He promised us- even eternal life."
Therefore, we can conclude that we are the children of eternal life. Because Eternal life is the promise God has given us. But now that we know we are children of promise, we need to understand how can we receive this eternal life. To whom shall we go, who will give us this eternal life? Unless we know and come to the One giving eternal life, can we be called children of promise (eternal life)? Then, let us understand first, by who's will has everything been created, then we can understand who will give us eternal life.
Rev 4:11"You are worthy, our Lord and God,
to receive glory and honor and power,
for you created all things,
and by your will they were created
and have their being."
Everything that has been created has the will of God in it. Therefore, nothing has been created in vain and everything has been made for a purpose in accordance to God's will. Then, Animals, Fishes, and Humans ---- What is the one thing these three have in common? Let's see:
In all family systems, wether animal or fish or human. Whom did God appoint to give birth? It is the will of God that females are to give birth. Only a Mother can bear children, not the father. This system was created by God because he wanted to show us something regarding this creation.
Rm 1:19 "since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."
Even though we can't see God with out human eyes. Through everything that God created we can see his Eternal Power, Divine Nature and most importantly Invisible Quality through the creation. Only the book of Genesis that speaks of the creation of the World. Let's find God's invisible quality and divine nature through the creation.
If you read Gen 1:26-27 you will understand God spoke in plural by saying 'let us'. Now, some may say when God speaks in plural He means the trinity. But if this is so, how do you explain the fact that two images came out (male and female, Adam and Eve) and not three? We can understand that God has two images, both, male and female image. What was the will of God in creation Adam?
Rm 5:14 "... as did Adam who was a pattern of the one to come."
Adam = One to come (Second Coming Christ)
The reason why God made Adam is to let us understand about Second Coming Christ. Because the bible only tells us that the one who is to come is Jesus Christ. And the book of Romans was written way after Christ ascended to heaven, so we can understand "The One To Come" in this verse refers to Second Coming Christ.
We now know Adam stands for Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong. Then, why did God create eve?
"Gen 2:20 "...But for Adam [a] no suitable helper was found."
Gen 2:23 "Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib [c] he had taken out of the man..."
God couldn't find a suitable helper for Adam, but what does this mean? What is the one thing Eve could do that Adam couldn't? That is, give birth. Then, let us understand, whom does even represent?
Gen 3:20 "Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living."
The reason why God created Eve is to show us she is the Mother of all the living. But do you think is possible for one woman to give birth to 6.5 billion people? Impossible, this implies Eve represent our Heavenly Mother who is to become the Mother of the spiritual beings.
The reason why God made Adam and Eve was to show that Christ is to take the Pattern of Adam in the last days and give eternal life because Mother God, the last Eve would appear. When Christ came 2,000 years ago He didn't give eternal life to anyone, but only promised it (Jn 6:39,54) in the last day. Why? Because Eve, who is the Mother of all the living had not appeared.
Heavenly Mother, The New Jerusalem appeared in the last days just as prophesied in the bible to give us eternal life (Rev 19:4,21:9-10). This is why we always give thanks to "Father and Mother". She was revealed to us by the Last Adam, Christ Ahnsahnghong our Heavenly Father of love who came in the flesh. The Spirit, Christ Ahnsahnghong and The Bride, Mother, New Jerusalem (Gal 4:26) appeared to give us Eternal life as prophesied (Rev 22:17). Thanks be to Father Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother New Jerusalem, our saviors, for giving us eternal life and giving us eternal life. I will praise you Father AhnSahnghong and Heavenly Mother, my Living God, forever more.
Without Mother, we cannot have eternal life. In other words, eternal life God promised us can be given through Mother. Let’s believe in Mother, and have eternal life and be saved.
I love heavenly mother♡
We need heavenly mother because life give from mother.
Thanks to heavenly mother. ever~ever~
No one can deny the existence of the mother in any family. We can see it because it's physical. However, something spiritual is invisible. But since ALL things are possible with God, even that which is invisible became flesh. She is Our Heavenly Mother Jerusalem, the Mother of our Spirits, and eternal God.
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