This is what I would like to call the "D" cycle. Why D? Because no matter what way we live our life - rich or poor, high status or middle or even low - and no matter what nationality we are, we all end up the same way. That way is dying. Then why do people work SOOO hard in this life to only go to the ground? Because people have a misconception of this life, thinking this is it and there is nothing else after this. Such an error comes from not knowing who we are. God created us and let us know who we are:
Gen. 2:7 "Then the Lord God made man from the dust of the ground. And He breathed into his nose the breath of life. Man became a living being."
We are not made from physical dust, like what most people think when they read this verse. Actually, we're made from the flesh and spirit.
Eccl.12:7 "Then the dust will return to the earth as it was. And the spirit will return to God Who gave it."
Clearly, as the breath of life represents the spirit, the dust represents the body which does return to the ground when we die. (This is what we call a burial.)
But why did God say we return to heaven? Because we were there before:
Prov. 8:22 "The Lord made me at the beginning of His work, before His first works long ago. 23 I was set apart long ago, from the beginning, before the earth was...29 I was there when He marked out the places for the sea, so that the waters would not go farther than what He said...30 I was beside Him as the leading workman. I was His joy every day. I was always happy when I was near Him."
Just as the writer of proverbs, King Solomon, was with God as He was creating the earth, we also were in heaven with God before we came to this earth.
I know, the question is why are we here now? Well, God said our sins have separated us from God:
Isa.59:2 "But your iniquities have separated
you from your God;
your sins have hidden his face from you,
so that he will not hear."
Our merciful God, who is Our Father and Mother saw our misery and gave us the freedom from this slavery.
Ps. 102:18 "This will be written for the children-to-come. So a people not yet born may give thanks to the Lord.
19 For He looked down from His holy place. He watched the earth from heaven,
20 to hear the loud cries of those in prison and to set free those who are being sent to death.
21 So the name of the Lord will be made known in Zion and His praise in Jerusalem,
22 when the people gather together and the nations gather to serve the Lord."
Coming a second time after He set up the way to the forgiveness of sins as Jesus Christ, Christ Ahnsahnghong restored the Passover - the way to actually receive Christ's blood. After Passover was abolished in AD 325 by the Roman Emperor Constantine during the councel of Nicea, there was no way to receive Christ blood giving the forgiveness of sins. When Christ Ahnsahnghong brought Passover back, He set up all of the Feasts of the New Covenant, which were also taken away by Satan during the Dark Ages. That's how we can recognize that Christ Ahnsahnghong is the true 2nd Coming Christ - because He brought salvation through the Passover. This is something that only the 2nd Coming Christ can do, (Heb. 9:27-28). We in the Church of God, World Mission Society truly thank Our Father God, Ahnsahnghong for bringing back Passover. That's not all! Father Ahnsahnghong also reunited us with Our Heavenly Mother, the New Jerusalem. Just as a child who commits a crime on this earth is visited by their mom, so we are also visited by Our spirit's mom, the Heavenly Mother Jerusalem. Thanks so much to Our Heavenly Mother for remaining on this earth with us to see that we make it home safely. All thanks, praise and glory to You, Mother!.
1 comment:
Yes, We are heavenly sinners. So everyone in this world have to die at last.
However, Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother came down to this earth to save and give the forgiveness and opportunity.
They forgave us through their noble blood and flesh, Passover.
I didn't know this truth, I thought I was just God's child before.
But I were grave sinner, Thanks to Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother's love, Now I'm here.
I'm in the love of God now.
Really, Thank you forever.
I hope to return heaven as soon as possible with other heavenly family.
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