Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ahn Sahng Hong is the Savior of This Age

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven" (Ecc 3:1)

This is a very basic principle of the Bible. Nothing can last forever. This is God's will. Even the Name used to receive salvation has a time limitation. This is why a certain group who only witness Jehovah as well as well developed Christian churches have a hard time believing in the New Name of Jesus because of lack of understanding of God's Word.


If you read Isaiah 43:11 it clearly says Jehovah is the only savior. However, when you read Acts 4:11 it now says Jesus is the Savior. Is this a contradiction? If it's not a contradiction how do you explain it?


In the time of Isaiah, whoever wanted to be saved needed to call upon Jehovah. However, through the prophecy of Is 9:6 He clearly foretold Jehovah will come in the flesh. When Jehovah came in the flesh He came playing the role of a son and with a New Name Jesus. Because there is a time for everything. When God is in Heaven His is Father but that age ended so He came in the flesh as the SON OF GOD, and from that point on the Age of the Son began. That's why The Christians received salvation, they understood Jehovah is Jesus in the flesh so they followed whatever Jesus said.


Clearly we see there is a time for everything. Rev 3:12 & 2:17 foretell Jesus will come with a New Name. This means, once Jesus comes a Second Time, He will no longer use the Name Jesus but a New Name for us to be saved. I tell you the truth, the New Name IS CHRIST AHN SAHNG HONG.

To those who beleive in Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and study the Bible, to them the crown of life will be given. Come to Church of God World Mission Society to study and understand God's plan. GOD BLESS YOU SO MUCH!

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