Wednesday, March 31, 2010

**Fragrance of Zion**

First of all and foremost I'd like to give thanks to Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother New Jerusalem for Their boundless mercy and sacrifice. Through their mercy I was allowed to keep the Passover of the New Covenant established by Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago. Like everyone else, I was deceived by Satan before I came to Church of God World Mission Society because I kept all the customs and tradition which were men-made rather than God-made.

Actually, when I think about something as simple as food God's administration is so clear. God said that everything He made on this earth is to let us understand about Him. Then, physically we can't go long without eating anything. However, when we do have a meal we eat animal and vegetables that have a time limitation, that is limited life. Chicken, cows, etc., they all have limited life that is why we can't live forever if we eat that type of food and also justifies the reason why there is no such medicine which gives eternal life because simply nothing of this creation gives eternal life. But our Father said:

John 6:53 "Whoever EATS my flesh and drink my blood HAS ETERNAL LIFE..."

God Almighty could have said "whoever believes in my flesh and my blood has eternal life" but the word spoken is "EAT". The only way to EAT Jesus' body and blood is through the Holy Feast of the Passover.

I thank Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother for bring not the food that spoils but the food that gives eternal life (The Passover). Now I have confirmation from Jesus Himself that I will enter the Kingdom of Heaven if I obey what He commands not just by faith. Thanks be to Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for Their graces and boundless love.

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